
Casual landscape building puzzle
Steam page

Dorfromantik is beautiful puzzle game in which the player has to build a landscape that contains villages, lakes, railroads and rivers. Your job is to build everything by use of hexagonal tiles that come in randomized stacks of a limited number. If you know Settlers of Catan you know how tiles need to fit together. Most score points will come your way if each edge fits neighbouring tiles perfectly.


Dorfromantik is not the brightest star in accessibility-heaven but it does a decent job when it comes to on-screen-keyboards, Enable Viacam Headmouse and Alt Controller. Alltough I haven’t tested Voice Activated Commands with Dorfromantik, I’m quite sure it will work, as well.

There are a few keys that are needed in order to control the game fluently but with the Windows OSK that’s doable. Still, zooming and rotating the table is rather uncomfortable, therefore I created an Alt Controller profile. It works best with the game in windowed mode at a resolution of 1760×990, because of the screenspace that Enable Viacam Headmouse eats up with its click-window.

Download here: Dorfromantik.alt.xml


  • Windows OSK works.
  • Enable Viacam Headmouse works.
  • Alt Controller works.
Screenshot showing contrast issues.
  • Has Tutorial.
  • Fullscreen or windowed.
  • Main Menu has good contrast.
  • GUI has little contrast.
  • Tutorial has very good contrast.
  • Tiles-Stack doesn’t stand out from the game area wich makes it easy to mix up the top two tiles against tiles already placed.


Move Camera = WASD
Increase Camera Speed = Shift-P
Rotate Camera = Q/E
Zoom Camera = C/X
Reset Camera = Backspace
Place Tile = Enter
Rotate Tile = R/F
Toggle Ul = Tab

Classic Mode

Undo = U
Highlight Quests = H

Build Mode

Discard Tile = DEL
Delete Tile = ALT
Eyedropper = CTRL
Freeze tile stack = L
Generate matching tiles = M


Gameplay video of Dorfromantik, using an Alt Controller Layout that makes a good substitude to a hardware keyboard.


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