Legend of Grimrock

Rouge-Like dungeon crawler.
Steam page


All keys are customizable
wasd = move
q,e = turn
TAB = Map (can be turned off)
ESC = menu


completely mousable
RMB+LMB required (except in Tablet Mode found in the game options)

Additional Info

Windowed works (no resolutions below 1280)

OSK works
Enable Viacam Headmouse works
natively no gamepad, XPadder might work


Just a little warning:

While Grimrock has a control scheme that helps mouse-only gamers, it is still a game that demands quick actions. Casting spells is specially hard as you have to dial in the required symbols which becomes almost impossible in the heat of a fight.

There are puzzles with extremely (!) thight timeframes that cannot be solved using a headmouse along with the on-screen keyboard.

Here’s a link that contains info on how to slow down The Legend of Grimrock in order to extend reaction times. I can’t tell if it helps to completely play through the game but it does enough to let you win against quick opponents.



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