Out There Ω

Rouge-Like Space exploration
Steam page


Out there Omega puts the player in the cockpit of an interstellar spaceship. Light years from home, countless unexplored solar systems lie between the player and his home planet, where alien species, resources and tasks wait to be discovered.

Designed with loving attention to detail, the exploration game is a real eye-catcher. Countless screen-filling illustrations decorate the highly atmospheric game, in which the soundtrack is also completely convincing.

Crafting is quick to learn and isn’t overly complex, but offers enough variety.

Many players complain about the discoveries, which are sometimes heavily dependent on chance and, if they fail, the progression of the game depends on them. It may be frustrating at times, but it can hardly be prevented: after all, it is undiscovered land, which means there is of course a certain probability of sitting on the last drop of fuel and no longer making any progress.
Other than that, the game is interesting for a few hours. So it’s worth waiting for a discount, which is regularly available on Steam.


Can be controlled with just the mouse.
Requires left click.
Requires left click and drag.
Mouse wheel is NOT required.


Full screen or windowed mode option.
NO borderless window option.
Selection of different resolutions possible directly in the options.
Higher or lower Windows DPI settings are recognized correctly.
Does not require options for people with color vision impairment (also known colloquially as color blindness).
Sounds are not crucial to the game.
Sounds are NOT represented visually.
The direction from which a sound comes is NOT visualized.


Includes subtitles
The subtitle font is sufficiently large, but may be difficult to read for players with visual impairments.

User interface (GUI)

GUI is clearly visible.

Computer aids

Enable Viacam head mouse
Enable Viacam head mouse works completely.
‚Clickwindow‘ is permanently visible and accessible even in full screen mode of the game.

Windows Magnifier

Windows Magnifier works.

Game mechanics

No need for quick reflexes.
Requires tactics or planning.

Time limits

Has no time limits.


Saves progress automatically.



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